

Catch Klinger weekdays 3-7PM!Biografía completa


Florida Man=150 Bugs Living And Feeding Inside Nose Cavity

He's an angler. A Florida man who loves to fish started to have swelling in his face recently and decided he needed to see the good doctor. What did the doc find? LOADS of bugs, larve inside of his nose living their best life feeding on his nose and sinus cavity. The first move was so take a vacuum and try to clear as many of the bugs out of his nose as possible. While a good plan at first, the doctor had to remove each bug, some as big as a small finger, one by one. The concern was that they were getting close to his eye and then his brain.

So, how did this happen? Remember this dude loves to fish. The doc suspects he didn't clean his catch good enough AND may have used his dirty hands to scratch his nose. BINGO!! Check out the footage!

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