It's something you don't think about until you need it. Blood! There's always a critical need for blood donations to serve the needs of the 28 hospitals in the Valley. It doesn't magically appear! The Halloween Blood Drive ... Saving Lives is a BOO-tiful thing!
We would like to thank everyone who came and donated. Here are some of the pictures we took at the Miller Keystone Blood Center in Bethlehem.
1 of 5 Photo: Joe Bonadonna
2 of 5 Photo: Joe Bonadonna
3 of 5 Photo: Joe Bonadonna
4 of 5 Photo: Joe Bonadonna
5 of 5 Photo: Joe Bonadonna
The Winter months typically post a major threat to your community’s blood supply because of holiday activity, weather and seasonal illnesses. The iHeart Radio Halloween Blood Drive is just one of the many opportunities for donors to help Miller-Keystone Blood Center maintain the community blood supply.
Blood is perishable and there is no substitute – the only source is a blood donor and there is always a need for blood, platelets, and plasma.
Cancer patients are the largest group often needing red cell or platelet transfusions while undergoing chemotherapy. Premature babies, accident and burn victims, and surgical and transplant patients also require blood.
One in four people will need blood at least once in their lifetime. Every 2 seconds, someone in the US requires a blood transfusion.
Thank you for donating.